Thursday, November 6, 2008

Keeping Guns in the House

I only have the energy to do so much writing tonight, and earlier on tonight, I posted a comment on my friend's blog about my views on guns in the home, it got kind of indepth. So I'm just going make my comment to his blog post, my blog post today. So, here's my post to my friend Nick.

We've talked about this before, of course, but there's a component of my perspective that perhaps I've never shared with you. This is specifically about having guns in your home for protection. Much of this has to do with my religious conviction. Eye for an Eye vs. Turn the other Cheek. Which edict do we follow, whichever we want? What would Jesus do? Some consider that there are plenty of examples of God's vengeance in the bible. But for myself and my family, I have always considered the turn the other cheek approach. In any case where you would likely need a gun to protect yourself, you are almost certainly going to be put in a position where you will have to react to your own fear. Now when it comes to this I am not trying to suggest that there is a right way to deal with fear, but my own choice is to turn the other cheek. If a burglar comes into my house, he can have whatever he wants. I put my trust in God to see his will through in situations like this, my life is in His hands. Material possessions are insured by my homeowner's insurance, my life is insured by my faith. I've had my house burgled and things were stolen, it sucks...but I got over it. In fact, it didn't even take that long to get over it. But if I had a weapon, I don't think I could get over knowing that I shot and possibly killed someone over 'things'...this is my perspective. If I had a gun as a deterrent and it scares the burglar away, then that's obviously the ideal situation for people like yourself who believe that guns save lives, but I believe that it's just as likely that someone breaking into your home might only have a weapon as a contingency in case you do. Therefore it's possible that you run more of a risk of harm or death if you have a gun in your house. But we live in America, the land of choices, where you should be able to exercise your own judgment in protecting your home. So, I believe people should be allowed to arm themselves if they like (provided it's not an Uzi or canon), it's just not for me. (I really don't know enough about conceal and carry laws so I can't really comment about that. Seems unnecessary for people to pack, but if you want to you're going to, legally or not)...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Civic Duty - Check

This morning I woke up at 5:25 AM and walked in the very mild weather, two blocks down the road to H.R. McCall Elementary School to cast my vote. The polls opened at 6:00 AM, I was 11th in line and it was a very cordial, polite affair which took no more than 10 minutes once we got started.

Just to make sure I didn't experience, first hand, the Bradley Effect, I snapped a shot of my vote on my new phone ;)

I am very happy to have this behind me, and I look forward to following Barack Obama's Presidency.  I am also very relieved that this is over.  I hadn't been overwhelmed by the length of this race until just this last weekend.  Let me introduce you to some of my dearest friends:
From left to right is JW, Andy, me, and Steve at my house this weekend.  We were all stationed together on the USS Nimitz from 1994 to 1996.  Everyone was in town for my friend Matt's wedding, and this photo was taken just before JW had to leave to get on the road back to Minneapolis.  

We had a window of about an hour to visit at this time and my dear friend Andy felt moved to spend the majority of it launching into very loud diatribes to me about my decision to support Barack Obama.  Andy of course, is a very passionate Republican, and he felt very strongly about this.  Actually, looking back on it, it seems like perhaps he was very angry that so many people support Obama and he arrived here at my house with an Obama sign in my window and me sporting the tee shirt.

I, for the most part declined to engage in this argument with him...could have, but did not want to get into it right then when none of us had seen JW in 12 years and he was about to leave.  But instead of spending some time to relax and enjoy each other's company, we were instead subject to Andy's rants (and Steve's piggybacking) was not fun.

Specific points of contention by Andy were that Obama's birth certificate is not valid and that people all across America are filing lawsuits about this, and that the one that was released was generated after the fact.  He went on and on about the status of his citizenship when he was a child abroad in a school that had mainly Muslim students.  He claimed that Obama if he even had valid US citizenship would have had to rescind it to attend that school.  He also believed that Obama was a secret Muslim and possibly a member of some kind of sleeper cell!  I countered that if his citizenship weren't valid, it would certainly have been quite a bigger story a lot sooner than now, and that of any candidate that has ever been vetted for President during a Primary and General Election campaign, Barack Hussein Obama has, and then some.  This of course didn't satisfy Andy, regrettably and led to further dialogue along the lines of American's should be allowed to have Uzi's in their homes so you can protect your family from crackheads who want to rape your wife and child and steal all your possessions, redistribution of America's wealth to the poor, and pretty much ended with his contention that Democrats are not democratic, but are socialists.

The conversation started to die down when I suggested that we end it so we could actually catch up with each other, I was clearly upset and I think he finally picked up on it.  We got to talking about the new GI Bill and as I was explaining all the new provisions of it (which are very impressive), I think they were all shocked to know that it was Democrats that pushed that issue and championed it to overwhelming support.  I used this mini victory to make my main point, which is that if we can't look past each other's perspectives to appreciate what people of different persuasions bring to the table, it doesn't matter who this country elects as President, we're screwed as a country if we can't hold each other's hand and work together.  

This is one of the reasons I hope that Democrats DO NOT earn a filibuster proof 60 seats in the Senate.  It would ignore the contributions the other side has to offer.  I think that Republicans are very passionate and smart and deserve to be heard.  I am just very glad that the Democratic voice will now have a little more sway as I believe our country needs the kind of change that such a voice will bring.

I spent a short period of time explaining to Andy my reasons for voting for Obama.  It wasn't because of guns, it wasn't because of redistribution, and it sure as hell wasn't because of his race!  I voted for Barack Obama today because I was stationed in London during the war in Iraq, and was there when the bombings on the London busses and subway trains happened.  I saw, first hand, the anger that the international community had with America and while I was never ashamed to be an American, I was not quite proud of my President.  The mismanagement of the war on terror, and specifically our mere unnecessary presence in Iraq are the main reasons I want Obama in the White House.  I want a President that is going to make measured, thoughtful decisions.  I want a President who is going to take his oath seriously...and I believe he will.

I like John McCain, he is a GREAT American...I just think he'd be a better Senator, in fact, now he can go back to being a real Maverick.

To Andy's credit, he is one of my favorite people on God's green earth and I love him to death.  At the wedding later that evening, politics weren't brought up in a single breath and we all had a very nice time.  I think we ended our time this weekend well, and I look forward to seeing him again soon.  I just hope that when it happens, it's not during an election year!

I am so glad it's over, and very happy for our new President!!!!

Now, if only I could figure out how to get the racoon out of my attic!  More on that tomorrow!  Eeeschk!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Proof Positive That I Am Not A Young Man

This weekend, a few of my old friends from my first sea tour on the USS Nimitz came out to visit because we were all going to another of our friends' wedding on Sunday evening. Needless to say, on SATURDAY evening, we all went out and drank way too much...

A good time was had by all, but I had forgotten just how bad a hangover could be. Sunday morning, I woke up with a slight headache, which increased in intensity as soon as I stood up, to the point where I had to sit back down. I went to the kitchen and tossed back 2 excedrin with some coffee and toast, but it still took me about 2 hours to feel 100% again.

I hardly drink anymore anyway, not because I don't like to drink - I do - but because I have so much going on in my life (parenting, working, etc.) I seldom ever do, and when I do I only have 2 or 3 beers at the most.

I'm not sure if I'm just not used to it anymore, or if I never really experienced this reaction before. The surprising thing to me is that I didn't think that I had that much to drink, although looking back on it, I guess I did. I never felt sick, or dizzy, or out of control while I was out though, and when I was younger it was only when I did feel that way that I actually got a hangover the next day. Now it seems, I will be rewarded with one any time I have more than six beers.

So, I have either lost my tolerance, or I have simply gotten older. At 36, that is kind of depressing.